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The 3 Levels of Motivation – Where Are You?

Remember why you started sign sitting on a shelf with a camera and a globe

If you’ve ever heard me speak, chances are you’ve heard me mention motivation.

Just last week I brought it up in networking circles and immediately after someone on the sly said, “I think I need to talk to you.” I had just described a level of motivation she identified with, it happened to be getting the best of her and not in a positive way.

Motivation is energy! …or lack thereof.

It’s a measure of stress and engagement and connectedness to whatever is before you. A definition I came across states, “Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior.” And while sometimes we experience positive motivating factors, other times they’re negative, and our bodies and minds distinctly feel the difference. Where is your motivation in this season? Do you have a measure to pinpoint where you are?

I once heard there are three levels of motivation.

1. The first (and lowest) level of motivation is “Desperation”. When someone is in a state of desperation, they’re operating as if they are backed into a corner. They might use language like, “I need to”, “I have to”, “I must”. It’s an indication that a fight or flight response is being activated.

The good news, this state forces action. Something needs to be done and there usually isn’t much time to think. The bad news is that this state is very high stress, usually pumping high levels of hormones and cortisol into your body. Which is necessary if you encounter a bear. But our bodies weren’t designed to operate from this state long-term and if we do, we can actually make ourselves sick. I know, I’ve done it to myself. Early on in my sales career I operated from this state for about 10 months and at the end, though I reached my goal, I had also given myself mono. Learned that lesson the hard way!

2. The middle level of motivation is “Rationalization” and this one is a bit sneaky! Someone in a state of rationalization says things like, “I’ll try”, “I might”, “I hope to”. Words that are only lip service to an idea or thing, and a hidden admission that you won’t exert effort to see it through. Ouch!

It reveals that whatever is before you, you’re not connected to. It might be your boss’s idea, a spouse’s idea, but one thing is true, you’re not tied to the idea. In this state of motivation, one can hang out for a loooooooong time. It’s relatively low stress, in fact you’re usually just going through the motions, not exerting much effort or energy. The danger in this state is lots of time can be wasted (like maybe even years or decades) and no real progress towards anything is made.

3. The last (and highest) level of motivation is “Inspiration”. A person in this state says things like, “I get to”, “I’m excited to”, “I want to”. Whatever is before them, it’s seen as a challenge, it’s fulfilling and there is usually a reward attached.

Any stress here is an appropriate, brain-engaging level of stress that fosters growth in a person or organization. This begins a perpetual energy cycle, whereby doing the thing, positively fills your cup, giving energy to then go do the next thing. One fear that often arises here is a belief that this state is fleeting and not sustainable. Which isn’t necessarily true, cue Yoda, “Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.”

So, where are you?

Woman standing on a hill next to the ocean with her arms in the air

How do you feel about it?

They’re subtle differences, but I gather you know them. Ever heard a sales manager say, “I have to call my team” vs. “I get to call my team”? It’s a totally different level of energy and attachment to this activity. Or have you ever talked to an employee and heard them say, “I’ll try to get that project done”, only to distinctly know it will be a half-hearted effort.

If you're a leader, these are big opportunities to do a check-in on motivation! Instead of taking it at face value, investigate what's going on with a few coaching questions like:

  • I sense that motivation might be low for this activity, what's the challenge?

  • How can you improve the situation?

  • What would bring you a little energy to this task?

  • What will it feel like to have this completed?

Maybe you need someone to do this for you? Reach out, let's have a discovery call and chat.

If you're in a state of Desperation and Realization, I have a proven track record of supporting clients to lower stress, increase motivation, and re-engage with the work they're doing in a healthy and positive way. And, if you're already in Inspiration, congratulations! In my work with these clients, I'm like an insurance policy, keeping them on track and maintaining the positive momentum they're already crushing!

Make it a great day!






Plus a few other links of interest:


1. NOW BOOKING! TIMEOUT, a 2-day private coaching retreat! Travel to the resort town of Traverse City, Michigan for an escape from distractions to clearly think, regroup, prioritize and plan. 


2. Could your team benefit from upgrading their leadership? Inquire about Leadership Essentials Academy, a 6-month leadership training & coaching cohort for new and emerging leaders.


3.  Time for a new journal? Pick up a new copy of my Know Thyself Journal for daily support towards your most important intentions for the next 90 days.


4.  Are you into individual assessments? Here is a link to take a free Core Values Assessment (CVI). It only takes 10 minutes and measures your innate, unchanging nature. Take it yourself and feel free to forward it to a friend, too. ve the situation?

  • What would bring a little energy to this task?

  • What will it feel like to have this completed?

Maybe you need someone to do this for you? Reach out, let’s have a discovery call and chat.

If you’re in a state of Desperation or Rationalization, I have a proven track record of supporting clients to lower stress, increase motivation and re-engage with the work they’re doing in a healthy and positive way. And if you’re already in Inspiration, congratulations! In my work with these clients, I’m like an insurance policy, keeping them on track and to maintain the positive momentum they’re already crushing!


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