You’ve heard the saying, “People overestimate what they can accomplish in a day and underestimate what they can accomplish in a year.”
The last few years, I’ve had an annual practice of applying this spirit to a reflection and visioning exercise.
It began in 2020, (which was a hell of a year). It seemed like so much had happened in my life and I was compelled to write it out. I believe it was an effort to see if the emotional exhaustion was supported by the data of what actually happened.
My list was crazy and included things like: my brother moving in, a pandemic, moving my parents to assisted living, having 2 ovens in my kitchen (and a 3rd in my garage and 2 refrigerators) for about 2 months, celebrating the best year to date in my business, deciding to become a landlord and planning a move to Traverse City.
As I wrote, my little Enneagram 3 heart was warmed.
Though I felt stuck (duh, sheltering in place), I had accomplished quite a bit. So I kept going back year by year. What major accomplishments, moves, and decisions could I assign to 2019? 2018? 2017? …and so on.
It showed me just how pivotal a choice can be. And highlighted that a seemingly small decision can powerfully course-correct your entire life!
Then I asked, what choices, accomplishments, and intentions did I want to include in, my next 5 years? It was fun to watch my brain use this newfound belief about what’s possible.
If you want to give the exercise a go, for yourself, your business or your family, here it is:
Using your calendar, journal, or any other tools, reflect on the last year and write down all your noteworthy accomplishments, intentions, and decisions.
Then repeat for the 2019- 2022.
What are you noticing? What are you proud of? What would you like to do differently moving forward?
Then look forward and envision what noteworthy accomplishments, intentions, and decisions you’d like to entertain for 2024. It could also be worth documenting why this particular item would be important to you.
Then repeat for 2025-2028.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time to plant a tree is today.
~ Chinese proverb
Make it a great day!
Plus a few other links of interest:
1. NOW BOOKING! TIMEOUT, a 2-day private coaching retreat! Travel to the resort town of Traverse City, Michigan for an escape from distractions to clearly think, regroup, prioritize and plan.
2. Could your team benefit from upgrading their leadership? Inquire about Leadership Essentials Academy, a 6-month leadership training & coaching cohort for new and emerging leaders.
3. Time for a new journal? Pick up a new copy of my Know Thyself Journal for daily support towards your most important intentions for the next 90 days.
4. Are you into individual assessments? Here is a link to take a free Core Values Assessment (CVI). It only takes 10 minutes and measures your innate, unchanging nature. Take it yourself and feel free to forward it to a friend, too.