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You’re making change from the wrong starting line

I spent last Friday afternoon, finding my best warrior cry, yelling at the top of my lungs in the middle of my living room. Thank goodness I was the only one home. 

I have never seen such a look of confusion and utter uncertainty from my dog. 

Is mom ok? 

Does she need help? 

Are we under attack? 

Shall I defend the house?

No, kiddo…I’m just attending Tony Robbins’ virtual retreat and connecting to the depths of my strength and inner knowing.  

Twelve hours ticked away while I immersed myself in his teachings. And through the copious, finger-numbing notes, here are 3 things I want to share with you:

  • We need a container for change:  What Tony teaches isn’t hidden knowledge; in fact, many of us have heard these principles many times. They’re based on science and found in most modern personal development books. 

What he creates is an environment to practice this knowledge. It’s only through active, first-hand participation do we experience the breakthroughs we desire. 

Where is your container?

  • Change happens first in the body:  He teaches that change happens through three things: New strategy, new stories (the beliefs we hold), and a new state (of being). Most of us begin with the strategy…or our habits and actions, which is the toughest place to make lasting change from. This is also why many have already given up on their 2025 goals by this point in the year. 

Instead, he instructs us to begin with our state, which is the energy we are holding in our body. Think about it…are you in a better state to take action when you’re cuddled up on the couch, or just after a brisk walk in the sun and fresh air? 

Think about a time when you’re at your most confident and aware, what are the sensations you notice in your body?

  • Our identity is the most important belief we hold:  Every once in a while, I work with a client who experiences an identity shift at their core and IT. IS. POWERFUL. They release old beliefs about “how life is for them” and rewrite that narrative based on what they choose for themselves and their future. 

Why is identity so important? Because all of our decisions are made subconsciously to support our identity. 

  • Do you buy a Honda or a Porsche? 

  • Do you think of leadership as a position of serving or being served? 

  • Is work filled with a frenzy of activity that supports saying, “I’m sooooo busy”? Or do you have a plan and boundaries to support a fulfilling workday, even through typical challenges?

What are some of the characteristics of your identity? 

What do you need most…the container? A method to access your body? Or process to shift identity?

I’m a master at creating the container. 

I have an exercise to leverage change in the body. 

And I’m creating a new exercise to help shift identity. 

In the meantime, I’ll be practicing my warrior cry in my living room.

Let’s do 2025 well,



1. For daily support and tidbits follow me over on Insta! 

2.  Time for a new journal? Pick up a new copy of my Know Thyself Journal for daily support towards your most important intentions for the next 90 days.


3.  Are you into individual assessments? Here is a link to take a free Core Values Assessment (CVI). It only takes 10 minutes and measures your innate, unchanging nature. Take it yourself and feel free to forward to a friend, too. 

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